Stock market

End of Shares Buy-Back

The buy-back of the Company’s own shares (the “Shares”) ended on 7 July 2015. The Shares had been bought back since 7 January 2015 on the basis of the Resolution no. 4 passed by the Company’s Extraordinary General Meeting on 8 December 2014 authorising the Management Board of ZUE S.A. to buy back the Shares. The transaction was closed because the six-month period for reporting by the eligible parties of their demand to buy back the Shares had passed. 

Below please find a summary of the transaction: 

  1. The total number of the shares acquired by the Company as part of the Shares buy-back is 264,652 and corresponds to 264,652 votes at the Company’s General Meeting;
  2. The Shares represent 1.15% of the Company’s share capital and the total number of votes at the Company’s General Meeting;
  3. The total par value of the Shares is PLN 66,163;
  4. The average unit price of the Share is PLN 10.05 and the purchase price is PLN 10.05 per Share;
  5. The total number of the Shares held by the Company as at 7 July 2015 is 264,652 and represents 1.15% of the Company’s share capital and the total number of votes at the Company’s General Meeting; and

The total amount spent on the Shares buy-back is PLN 2,689,259. 

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