
Possessing the necessary specialist equipment and communication technology, enabling full maintenance of lighting fixtures, the ZUE Group performs both construction works (from the stage of design to delivery) as well as on-going maintenance of entire lighting sections. As confirmation of the high competence of the ZUE Group in this field, it is in charge of the on-going maintenance of street lighting in the area of Kraków and the Jerzmanowice municipality (comprising a total of over 50 000 lamps).

Construction and maintenance of street lighting

Possessing the necessary specialist equipment and communication technology, enabling full maintenance of lighting fixtures, the ZUE Group performs both construction works (from the stage of design to delivery) as well as on-going maintenance of entire lighting sections. As confirmation of the high competence of the ZUE Group in this field, it is in charge of the on-going maintenance of street lighting in the area of Kraków and the Jerzmanowice municipality (comprising a total of over 50 000 lamps).
Zdjęcie dla sekcjiConstruction and maintenance of street lighting

Communication cables

In the field of communication wiring, the ZUE Group offers the construction of communication networks for traditional (cable piping installed via trench or jacking) as well as fibre optic wiring (special ductwork or cable suspension on posts, such as catenary). Within the performed operations, the ZUE Group has delivered a series of communication wiring installations, e.g. for telecom enterprises.

Consstructions of traffic light

The ZUE Group offers complex construction of street traffic lights from design to delivery and commissioning of an entire traffic light section, including co-operation with regard to the selection of traffic light equipment from a group of suppliers who can guarantee high quality products and timely delivery.
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